A Father Loves A Daugher

A father loves a daughter 

Like no other love on earth. 
From the day that he first meets her 
Nothing can compare her worth. 
Forever are they bonded 
With a love that never fails. 
For always he will hug her 
And kiss goodnight with fairy tales. 
He will love her and protect her 
With strong arms just in case 
But will also hug her tenderly 
With a fatherly embrace. 
Eskimo kisses touch her nose 
With a giggle and a squeeze 
And that sparkle in her little eyes 
Could bring him to his knees. 
What more could any father want 
Than a daughter so sweet and pure 
There’s nothing in this world so rare 
Of that he can be sure. 
A fathers love is so unique 
It cannot be replaced 
He will always treasure times with her 
And the memories embraced.


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