
Showing posts from August, 2014

If Men Getting Pregnant

The law of nature is the pain of giving birth and carrying the infant in her belly for 9 months approximately is of women only. It's their hardships and pain bearing capacity that they're up to the task. The point is, the men, who is known the master of home, should respect the women, that they undergo the worst ever conditions of their life. Now, the question is, if the case is being reversed, the men start getting pregnant, the condition of them will be pathetic. Then, they'll know the real pain. 

Inspiration - For Higher Living

Old man has 8 hair on his head. He went to Barber shop. Barber in anger asked: shall I cut or count ? Old man smiled and said: "Colour it!" LIFE is to enjoy with whatever you have with you, keep smiling If you feel STRESSED, Give yourself A Break. Enjoy Some.. Icecream./ Choclates / Candy / Cake Why? B'Coz STRESSED is back-spelled as DESSERTS... Alphabetic advice for you: A B C Avoid Boring Company.. D E F Don't Entertain Fools.. G H I Go for High Ideas . J K L M Just Keep a friend like ME.. N O P Never Overlook the Poor n suffering.. Q R S Quit Reacting to Silly tales.. T U V Tune Urself for ur Victory.. W X Y Z We Xpect You to Zoom ahead in life...!!

Managment Failure

Time is ticking, and there will be an end to your time. If you're at your destiny, then you are congratulated not for making it possible but also to have make it possible to be completed. It's your management skills how you work out with the abilities of yours and the people working under you. It's good to see when a person do multi-tasking effectively. But, if his ability is not being utilized by you, then there occurs a "Management Failure".

Democracy - The Solution Of Peace

Being criticized a lot about the scenarios under which people are going through, there is little hope, that life on earth can be flourished best of its cause and existence. This can only be happened if people start living here under an equal justified methodology of democracy. The peace is kindly required to be promoted. Otherwise, there will be fuss in the world with people killing others to find their belongings. There will be +Terrorism, no one would feel safe.

The Boiling Frog Syndrome

Put a frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water. As the temperature of the water rises, the frog is able to adjust its body temperature accordingly. The frog keeps on adjusting with increase in temperature... Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog is not able to adjust anymore... At that point the frog decides to jump out... The frog tries to jump but is unable to do so, because it has lost all its strength in adjusting with the rising water temperature... Very soon the frog dies. What killed the frog? Many of us would say the boiling water... But the truth is what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when it had to jump out. We all need to adjust with people and situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust and when we need to confront/face. There are times when we need to face the situation and take the appropriate action... If we allow people to exploit us physically, mentally, emotionally or financially, they will continu...

Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention

A long time ago, don't exactly know, how long could it be, when all it got started. Man found himself hungry, he invented spear-headed sticks to fetch the prey. When he felt cold in winter, he wore the suites made of skin of animals. As the time goes on, the needs of the man increased as he is greedy by nature. Finally, a time came, when he started thinking of making a person like him. He thought he can become a GOD by making a creature, a brain he has. Thus, he invented computer. Now, considering the benefits we are getting from this wholesome creature, are endless but this is leading us to an end. And, I'm sure we will be meeting our end soon.

Shyness - Best Quality Of Girl

Well, it's a natural law of attraction of opposite poles of magnet, so do this law applies on the natural bodies to i.e., male & female. The most attractive factor so called X factor of a girl is her "shyness" that makes a boy feel bold and brave enough to be with her. What a man needs in this world? Beauty & Love, is the exact answer to it. So, he tries to find these two factors in her, which are well depicted on her face when she feels to him. I know, it's hard to find a girl of your choice, but when you find one, don't let her go. My advice: "If a boy stops his GAME, to reply your text...... Marry him 3:) ;) " *Laugh

In That Pit Of Despair And Darkness

"From that pit, Of despair and darkness, Which was now her home, She kept screaming for help, From everyone, That passed the pit, She begged them, To get her out, Even those, Who she thought, Were her friends, But they heard her scream, And moved on, They never stayed there, To help her, To get her out of their, She kept clawing the walls, And buried the broken pieces, Of her broken trust, Under the folds of the walls, And kept living, With the corpses of her feelings, Lied on the floor of that pit, And every night, Those corpses were brought to life, Molting, Becoming zombies, Surrounding her, Haunting her, In that pit of despair and darkness."

Blood Is Thicker Than Water

This life is too short to make strong relations. I don't know why people break the developed relations. This life is too short to say something to your loved ones. This life is too short to make real friends. I don't know why people break valuable friendships. Think before it's too late. Today is time. Nobody knows about the next moment. Because, Life can't wait, and death is on waiting......!!! Happy life, keep your head straight upheld. Wish you best in health, wealth and knowledge.

My Mother Says, "Marry An Engineer"

Being a civil engineer, I've came across world's versatility and a reason for beautifying it using different types or shapes of building being constructed on it. Life as an engineer would be tough to reach yourself to the sky high buildings. If you have height-phobia, you better brace yourself, because "Engineers don't fear". Working in association with my brother-engineers, it would be a great outcome in the future. *Fingers-Crossed... (GOD WILLING) We've a moto that is: "Civil Engineers are best creators, after GOD."

You're My Girl

"The mascara, Around my eyes, Deeper, And more darker, Than the black magic, Runs down, When my eyes don't see you. The music, On my eardrums, piercing,  And tearing like clawing flesh, Rips apart, when my ears don't hear you. And The happiness living in my heart, chirping, and shining, like the sun on a bright morning, fades away, When i don't feel you around, So, Stay here, Be my eyes, My ears, And  My happiness."

Home is not Home without MOM

GOD in heaven said to a 9 month baby you are going to born on earth tomorrow.. Baby cried & asked how I will talk with people..? God: I had already sent an angel to earth she will teach you... Child: How will I pray to you..? God: The angel will teach you.. Child: How will I learn good words..? God: Angel will teach you.. Child: If I suffer from sorrow? God: Angel will be there to listen.. Child: How do I find that angel? God: It's very simple! Usually people call that Angel as.. "MOTHER"

A Short Love Story

Boy drops girl at home, he puts his hand on the wall by the gate for support, leans towards her and says: "Can I kiss you?" Girl: Not now, I'm home Boy: Please... Girl: No Boy: You were too sweet in bed today Girl: You too were full of energy. I could not believe we had 4 rounds... Boy: Let me give u a good night kiss. Girl: Someone may be watching. They still think I'm a virgin at home.... This goes on for 10 mins... Then girl's brother appears at the gate and says: "Dad says, whether u kiss him or not its your decision, but tell that bastard to remove his hand from the intercom button, everyone at home is listening to your bullshit !!"